Urgent New Alert: Make This ONE BIG MOVE TODAY


“The Next BIG SHORT Is Here!”

A $1.5 trillion debt bomb has already spawned moonshot gains of 1,683%, 2,525% and even 3,535% in a matter of months. And the biggest trade is setting up now…

SHAH: Hi, I'm Shah Gilani – Chief Investment Strategist at Manward Press. I'm not the kind of guy who says, "I told you so…" but if I were, I sure would be saying it right now.

Years of easy money-borrowing courtesy of the Federal Reserve has unleashed the third real estate crisis in the last 15 years.

And at this moment, a seismic shock is rocking the $21 trillion commercial real estate market. It's not surprising. In fact, I've been predicting this meltdown for years – since the beginning of the pandemic.

As I warned, the remote-work phenomenon has become the norm – and suddenly, the need for office space has evaporated.

From New York to Chicago to Los Angeles and everywhere in between, once-iconic office buildings are sitting half empty… if that.

This couldn't have come at a worse time for landlords. Surging interest rates have collided with half-empty buildings to trap commercial landlords under a mountain of unpayable debt.

In many cases, building owners are handing back the keys to their banks and saying, "Here – you take it." And with $1.5 trillion in commercial loans coming due in the next 24 months, this crisis is about to turn into a bloodbath.

Now, in my book… crisis means opportunity. I can tell you from firsthand experience – any time an earthquake hits the real estate market, there are fortunes to be made.

And I'm not the only one who'd tell you so. For example… in 2008, hedge fund legend John Paulson turned the housing market crash into a $20 billion profit. In 2020, billionaire investor Carl Icahn made $1.3 billion as shopping malls imploded.

And today – as I predicted – the $21 trillion commercial real estate meltdown is handing us a generational opportunity. Already, savvy hedge funds have played this crisis for as much as $600 million in a single day. It's time for you to join the party.

For the last four decades, the commercial real estate sector has feasted on cheap money and easy credit. It was great while it lasted… but now over $1.5 trillion in commercial loans are coming due before the end of 2025.

The next 18 months offer us an extraordinary wealth-building opportunity – the likes of which we may never see again.

Let me be blunt. I personally intend to trade the commercial real estate crisis for a fortune – maybe the biggest of my long career. And I'd like you to join me.

I'm telling you – every day, another office building nosedives towards default. And as these properties tank, we're going to hit them over and over and over again.

I'll show you how to trade this opportunity in a moment. But first, let me show you how it all came about.

For a very long time, commercial real estate has been a very lucrative game played by institutions – especially real estate investment trusts… also known as REITs. And their formula was pretty simple.

The REIT could borrow cheap money courtesy of the Fed – and then use it to buy an office building. Because the office building was at full capacity, it threw off big-time cash flow in the form of rent payments.

All the REIT had to do was sit back, raise the rent every now and then, and watch the building's value go up, up, and up. This worked for two main reasons.

First… for the last 15 years or so, the Fed has kept rates remarkably low – even at or near zero for stretches. Second… demand for office space has remained high – very high – for much of the last 40 years.

As a result, office buildings generated an abundance of rental income – more than enough to cover the low-interest loan payments and still pocket a very tidy profit… easy money with very little sweat. But not anymore.

Even before the pandemic, the commercial real estate landscape was starting to shift. Technologies like Zoom made working from home possible. And when the pandemic hit, remote work became the new normal – just as I predicted it would.

In fact, the number of remote workers has tripled since 2019… and it's become abundantly clear – most of these people are not going back to the office ever. A study by management consulting firm McKinsey shows that 80 million Americans are now working from home at least part-time.

The entire U.S. workforce only measures 133 million. In other words, nearly 60% of the workforce has abandoned the office. As a result, companies are drastically cutting office space – and office buildings are hemorrhaging tenants.

From New York to Chicago to San Francisco and everywhere in between, vacancy rates are hitting record highs. Now, half- empty buildings mean rental income has been cut in half or more.

At the same time, interest rates have been rising – courtesy of the Fed. In the last 12 months alone, the Fed funds rate – the benchmark for commercial mortgages – has surged from 0.05% to 5.25%.

That's a 105-fold spike… and it means loan payments on half-empty buildings have gone through the roof.

Let me repeat – because it's critical. Rental income has been cut in half or more, while loan payments have doubled, tripled, quadrupled, or more.

Let's do the math. Before the pandemic, a landlord might have collected – say – $10 million a month in rent while making loan payments of – say – $5 million.

But now… if rental income has been cut in half – down to, say, $5 million – and loan payments have doubled to $10 million, the entire scenario has flipped upside down.

Instead of a $5-million-a-month gross profit, the building is a $5-million-a-month loser… and they lose that every single month.

I'll sum up this in one word politely – unsustainable. The truth is… it's so bad that many landlords are flipping the keys to their banks and walking away.

Take a look at what's happening in Los Angeles. The owners of the famed LA Law Tower are facing fast-track foreclosure on a $107 million loan.

At the same time, the prestigious Union Office Plaza – a downtown LA landmark – has been sold off in a fire sale for pennies on the dollar.

In addition, Brookfield Capital – one of the biggest landlords in Los Angeles – just defaulted on a $784 million loan for two skyscrapers. In other words, Brookfield just handed the keys to their bankers and said, "It's yours." And yes – they just walked away.

This is happening in every major city across the nation. In New York City, office building values have plunged a staggering $400 billion in the last two years.

In San Francisco, the iconic glass tower at 350 California Street – purchased four years ago for $300 million – is on the market at a fire-sale price of $60 million… an 80% plunge.

In Chicago, commercial buildings in the famed loop are getting pummeled… with 175 West Jackson Street – home of the SEC's midwest office – falling into bankruptcy.

Even in red-hot Texas cities like Dallas, Houston, and Austin, office attendance is half of what it was before the pandemic.

It's going to get worse – a lot worse. Cushman & Wakefield projects we'll see a staggering 1.1 billion square feet of empty office space by 2030. An NYU study predicts a 39% destruction of commercial real estate wealth.

And with a staggering $1.5 trillion in commercial loans coming due before the end of 2025, landlords are trapped with no way out.

And with every default, every fire sale, every bankruptcy, every commercial construction project that gets scrapped… I plan on unleashing a flurry of trades and walking away with a fat stack of cash in the process.

I already told you – hedge funds have made as much as $600 million in a single day on the commercial real estate collapse. And now it's our turn.

Let's circle back to Brookfield Capital so you can see what I mean. As I mentioned, Brookfield just defaulted on a $784 million loan tied to two Los Angeles skyscrapers. At the same time, they defaulted on a $161 million loan tied to a dozen office buildings – mostly in Washington, DC.

Folks, most REITs – including Brookfield – are publicly traded companies… and when a publicly traded company starts defaulting on loans, it makes shareholders nervous.

And when shareholders get nervous, they sell shares… and the stock price plunges. That's exactly what's happened with Brookfield.

Now, for the last 40 years… I've used a special kind of trade designed to target falling assets. I call it the Flip Trade because it takes a falling asset and flips it like this – into a big potential win.

Again – I've used this trade for decades to amass a personal fortune… and over the next 18 months, I intend to unleash the Flip Trade with extraordinary results. I'm highly confident of this.

You see, when I traded on Wall Street… we had a simple policy. Before we implemented a strategy, we ran tests showing us how the strategy would have performed in the past. That's exactly what I've done here.

In fact, I've conducted extensive tests and analysis on all kinds of signals and trades on the commercial real estate sector.

What you're going to see today are the very best peak performers I uncovered within the heaps of historical data. As you can see, they are not the norm – but they show you the moonshot potential of this incredible strategy.

Let's go back to Brookfield Capital. Like I said, shareholders get nervous when a company defaults on a loan like Brookfield did. And sure enough, Brookfield's shares took a dive – setting up a Flip Trade opportunity.

In fact, in March alone… I determined a Flip Trade on Brookfield could have shown a 1,100% gain in just 29 days. That's good enough to turn a modest $1,000 into $12,100 in a single trade. Incredible.

The great part is Brookfield isn't done dropping… not even close. And Brookfield is only the tip of the iceberg.

Here's another REIT that's in deep trouble. It's Blackstone – the world's largest commercial landlord, with a $577 billion portfolio. Like the saying goes… the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

And in an absolute shocker, Blackstone defaulted on a $308 million loan tied to the iconic 1740 Broadway building in midtown Manhattan. In addition, Blackstone defaulted on a $562 million loan tied to a portfolio of over 60 commercial properties.

As you can imagine, Blackstone's stock price has taken a dive – creating a perfect opportunity for the Flip Trade. In fact, I determined the Flip Trade on Blackstone could have unleashed three top-performers over the last year…

Including a 144% gain in 20 days, a 257% gain in 32 days, and a 207% gain in 28 days. $1,000 into each of these plays could now be worth nearly $10,000.

The important thing to understand is no landlord – no matter how big – is immune from rising interest rates and dwindling rental income. It's a simple matter of mathematics that's going to play out for years to come.

Let's look at another – this time, Kilroy Realty Corp. KRC is a REIT with 120 class-A properties – consisting of 14 million square feet throughout Texas, California, and the Pacific Northwest.

Like many REITs, Kilroy used cheap money to expand their operations. In fact, they bought a $490 million Seattle building in 2021 – thinking Amazon would be their forever tenant.

Unfortunately for Kilroy, Amazon has decided to vacate the building – leaving it only 30% occupied. This couldn't have happened at a worse time.

Look, Kilroy has a $4.3 billion debt load – with only 13% of that debt covered by operating cash flow… perfect conditions for the Flip Trade. Sure enough… I determined that over the last year, the Flip Trade on Kilroy could have generated four top performers – including a 2,557% gain in 29 days.

Of course, I can't promise every trade is going to be a winner. And some might say hitting eight top-performers in a row would be impossible. Maybe so. It would certainly take exceptional timing and good fortune. But even a fraction of these gains would impact your financial status in a profound way.

Now, I'm going to show you how to make the flip trade in a moment. But first, let me show you how we isolate our targets.

We start by evaluating companies' financials – including their assets, liabilities, and their operating cash flow compared to debt service burdens, for example. Most importantly, we want to know how many commercial loans they have coming due in – say – the next 12 months.

Once we evaluate the numbers, we're able to determine if the company is ready to take a fall. Of course, we don't just jump in and hope for the best. Knowing when to strike is critical, and my team has implemented a sophisticated price-tracking algorithm that tells us exactly when to unleash the Flip Trade.

I can't give you the entire formula, but I'll give you one little piece. When we see the seven-day moving average – this line right here – cross under the 21-day moving average – this line here – we know the stock has rolled over to the downside and is poised to tumble.

When we see this happen, we pull out the Flip Trade and go to town. Now, to be clear… the Flip Trade is our name for betting against an asset… but we won't be shorting stocks. Instead, we'll be making a simple, easy-to-use put option trade that goes up when the underlying stock goes down.

Let me give you another example. This time, Cousins Properties. Cousins is a REIT that invests in office buildings in Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, Florida, and Arizona. Over the years, they've developed some notable trophy properties – including CNN Center. But like most REITs, Cousins has fallen on hard times.

Social media giant TikTok – one of the fastest-growing companies in the world – agreed to lease office space in the building owned by Cousins Properties in Austin. But TikTok never moved in.

Today, Cousins is facing $273 million in short-term debt against only $204 million in short-term assets. To make matters worse, operating cash flow is only 15% of their debt load. Again, this is unsustainable. And it sets up a remarkable opportunity to play the Flip Trade.

In fact… I determined that in March, a flip trade on Cousins could have shown a 1,683% gain in just 29 trading days – good enough to turn $1,000 into $17,830 in four weeks.

Here's another one. Hudson Pacific Properties is another REIT. This one is headquartered in Los Angeles. It has over 16 million square feet of office buildings – including multiple trophy properties along famous Wilshire Boulevard in Hollywood. Sounds glamorous, doesn't it? Until you realize their debt situation.

In fact, HPP's $4.6 billion in debt exceeds their equity position. And with operating cash flow only covering 10% of its debt, they can barely afford to pay the interest due. Unsustainable for HPP. But good news for the Flip Trade.

In fact… I determined that over the last year, the Flip Trade delivered three top-performers – including a potential 1,470% gain in 30 days.

Let's look at another. This time, it's Vornado Realty Trust – VNO. Now, Vornado describes itself as having a dominant position in New York office space – with 20 million square feet concentrated in midtown Manhattan.

That all sounds fabulous. Except even the high-flying Vornado is no match for Manhattan's soaring vacancy rates and rising loan payments.

In fact, Vornado defaulted on a $450 million loan tied to prime properties on Fifth Avenue. Ouch. To make matters worse, Vornado has $8.4 billion in debt – with cash flow only covering 9% of what they owe.

Times are so bad Vornado even delayed their dividend – one of the primary reasons investors own their shares. One word: unsustainable.

And I determined that over the last year, the Flip Trade on Vornado could have delivered four top-performers – including a 1,220% gain in 30 days. As you can see, these are flawless setups – not to mention rare and exceptional gains.

Going forward, you need to understand – we aren't going to get every play right. Shrewd traders know that losses are part of the game. This is speculative investing – but even one big winner could more than make up for any setbacks.

Isn't it incredible to see what this strategy is capable of on its best days? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm going to show you how to get in on this in a moment.

But first, I've got some very good news. You see, this meltdown isn't limited to REITs. In fact, the commercial real estate collapse is engulfing every sector it touches – from brokers to developers to insurance companies.

All of these industries make incredible targets for the Flip Trade, and I'm going to share some specific opportunities in a moment. But first, let's look at the banking sector – of course, specifically the banks that made commercial loans.

Look, I've been warning about the commercial real estate crisis for years – since the pandemic. And I'm not the only one who knew commercial property loans were risky business.

In fact, federal regulators offered guidance to banks in regard to the concentration of commercial real estate loans they hold.

The reason why is simple. When a bank holding too much commercial real estate paper gets hit with defaults, it creates a liquidity crisis.

You saw that happen to Silicon Valley Bank. It collapsed in March. Tragic? Well, it depends on who you ask – because folks betting on the fall made $600 million in a single day on SVB's plunge.

Same thing with First Republic Bank – FRC. It collapsed in April – serving up a $1.2 billion profit to savvy traders who played the fall.

Folks, that's what the Flip Trade is all about. In fact, I determined that a Flip Trade in February on FRC would have delivered a staggering 3,525% gain – good enough to turn $1,000 into $36,250 in a month's time.

As lucrative as REITs are, banks could be even better. Small regional banks hold 68% of commercial real estate loans – loans that are dropping in value like a ton of bricks.

JPMorgan projects that as commercial landlords default on loans, banks are going to suffer $38 billion in losses. As a result, I believe bank stocks are going to fall for the next 18 months – maybe longer – setting up a remarkable opportunity for the Flip Trade.

Take New York Community Bank for example. These guys have 71% of their loan book tied to commercial real estate. At the same time, they've got short-term liabilities of $69 billion and short-term assets of only $3.9 billion. To make matters worse, NYCB has $21 billion in debt and only $8.8 billion in equity.

Not surprisingly… I determined that in March, a Flip Trade on NYCB could have shown a potential 2,525% gain in just 27 days. That's good enough to turn $1,000 into $26,250 in a single trade.

Here's another. This time, it's BankUnited. These guys boast short-term assets of $826 million. Sounds pretty good… until you see they've got $33.2 billion in short-term liabilities.

Plus, they've got a mere $2.4 billion in equity – dwarfed by their $6.4 billion in debt. BankUnited is primed for a plunge, and it's already underway.

I determined that in March, a Flip Trade on BankUnited could have delivered a massive potential gain of 1,037% in 23 days. That's good enough to turn $1,000 into $11,370.

Then there's Valley National Bank – VLY. Now, Valley has two lending offices in the New York area – a mecca for office buildings.

As a result, Valley is holding $25.7 billion in commercial real estate loans. Unfortunately, they've got a mere $5.3 billion in Tier 1 Common Equity… not good.

And what's worse – their $1.6 billion in short-term assets is dwarfed by nearly $50 billion in short-term liabilities. Shareholders would be wise to dump Valley fast. And the rush to the exits is already underway.

As a result, I determined a Flip Trade on Valley back in March could have made a potential 1,200% gain in 27 days – good enough to turn $1,000 into $13,000.

Let's look at another – this time, Heritage Financial in Olympia, Washington. This lender's debt burden quadrupled from $98 million in December to nearly $450 million in March. As you probably guessed, Heritage hit the skids.

I determined that a Flip Trade in March could have shown a potential 1,030% gain in 28 days – good enough to turn $1,000 into over $11,000 in a month. Look – the bloodletting is just beginning.

Let's head to Southern California, where East West Bank – EWBC – is headquartered. East West Bank has an impressive growth story. Unfortunately, it's the wrong kind of growth.

In fact, their debt quadrupled between December and March. Unfortunately, East West holds $14.5 billion in commercial real estate loans. That far exceeds its $6.3 billion in Tier 1 Common Equity and makes them a perfect candidate for the Flip Trade.

In fact, I determined that a Flip Trade back in March could have resulted in a potential 708% gain in 17 days – good enough to turn $1,000 into over $8,000 in a single trade.

Let's look at one more… this time, Synovus – SNV – a big lender in the Southeast. Like most of our targets, Synovus holds a staggering amount of commercial real estate loans – $9.6 billion, to be exact. That's twice as much as their Tier 1 Common Equity.

And when you factor in that they have a mere $4 billion in short-term assets against over $50 billion in short-term liabilities, Synovus is prime Flip-Trade material.

In fact, I determined that a Flip Trade back in March could have shown a 930% gain in 21 days – and that's good enough to turn $1,000 into nearly $10,000… incredible.

Of course, these top-performing gains are rare – but if you ask me, there has never been a greater time in history to target them.

Listen – for decades, easy money has fueled a boom in commercial real estate… but suddenly, the music has stopped. Today, an earthquake of devastating proportions is hitting the commercial real estate market.

The opportunity at hand is unprecedented, and it extends far beyond REITs and banks. Commercial real estate is dragging down every sector it touches – brokerages, construction companies, commercial developers, insurance companies…

For the next 18 months – probably, a lot longer – I plan to unleash the Flip Trade over and over and over again on every single one of these sectors. And, folks, I plan on walking away with a fortune. I strongly suggest you come along for the ride.

Listen – I analyzed and tested tons of possible Flip Trades over the last year on the commercial real estate sector. I determined that Flip Trades made in March of 2023 alone could have generated a slew of top-performers. Amazing stuff.

Now, it should go without saying that all investing involves risk. Nobody gets them all right, and losers do occur. With that in mind, you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

But here's a cold, hard fact. Over $1.5 trillion in commercial loans are coming due before the end of 2025. I believe the next 18 months will offer a generational wealth-building opportunity. REITs, banks, and every sector associated with commercial real estate is in for a dose of severe pain.

In short, their stocks are going to fall. As they do, I intend to use the Flip Trade for the most lucrative run of my career, and I'd like you to join me. I can tell you right now – it's going to be a whole lot of fun.

To help you get off to a fast start, I've put together a special investment briefing. I'd like to get it into your hands immediately because it contains seven hot targets – all locked, loaded, and ready to flip trade. I'm personally eyeing these seven plays. And they are ready to move fast.

Let me give you a quick overview of what you can expect.

Target number one is a REIT based in New York City. As Manhattan's biggest commercial landlord, this REIT has more to lose than anyone, and the carnage has already begun. Their occupancy rate is plunging.

At the same time, their interest expense nearly tripled. I plan on Flip Trading this titan over and over and over again until every last penny of profit has been squeezed out of it.

As I showed you earlier, Flip Trades made on REITs in March alone served up a shot at massive upside potential – including 2,557% on Kilroy in 29 days.

Of course, I can't promise a 2,500% gain on this play or any of our targets. That's not the way the markets work. That said, I think you'll be very happy.

Get in now.

Target two is a bank. In the first quarter of 2023, this regional lender saw $6.8 billion walk out the door in the form of customer withdrawals.

Also in the first quarter, their debt exploded fivefold – to over $12 billion. Shareholder equity is less than $4 billion. And yes, this lender is on the list of banks exceeding federal guidance on commercial loan exposure.

It's a sitting duck. As their outstanding commercial loans start going bad, it's going to be lights out. Shareholders are eyeing the exits, and this stock is set for a free fall.

Target three is a commercial real estate broker. These firms have made fortunes over the years as tenants scrambled for office space. Today, they're dead in the water. In fact, our target reported their profits plummeted 88% – and their free cash flow just dropped by 85%.

And in the first quarter of 2023 their EPS – their earnings per share – plunged 68%. Maybe they make it to the other side. Maybe they don't. But one thing's for sure – they're poised for an epic crash that sets up a pitch-perfect Flip Trade.

I determined in March that a flip trade on a similar brokerage company could have shown a 302% gain in 31 trading days. I suggest you take a position now.

Target four is an insurance company. Look, insurance companies are big lenders in the commercial real estate market.

In fact, target four reported over $109 billion in commercial real estate assets under management. I'd say congratulations, but their timing could not have been worse.

That $109 billion is likely evaporating in the face of falling property values. As a result, this insurance company is positioned for a total meltdown.

I determined a Flip Trade in March on another insurance company could have shown a 600% gain in 24 days. Remember – no guarantees… but it's time to load up on this play.

Target number five is a construction company. Of course, construction companies have flourished for years as easy money spawned new buildings.

But with rates rising and occupancy rates falling, projects are being scrapped left and right. In fact, target five just halted a $28 billion project – setting them up for an epic collapse.

I determined a Flip Trade in April on another construction company could have shown a 400% gain in 30 days. Point is – it's time for us to play the flip on this construction company.

Target six is the largest publicly traded developer, owner, and manager of commercial property in the United States. In fact, they've got 192 properties – with over 54 million square feet of space. Talk about exposure.

S&P just put this company's debt on watch for a downgrade. And it's no surprise. Their $14.7 billion in debt far eclipses equity of just $8.3 billion. At the same time, operating cash flow covers a mere 9% of debt.

In March, the Flip Trade on another developer could have shown a quick 1,115% gain in just 29 trading days. While I can't promise that kind of hit, I can tell you without reservation… it's time for you to make this trade.

Target seven is a regional bank. What a surprise.

Moody's just hit them with a downgrade – citing a deterioration in operating environment and funding conditions. Like I said, no surprise.

In the first quarter, this bank's tech clients walked out the door – taking $6 billion with them. This made a bad situation a lot worse. Debt doubled in the first quarter alone. Short-term assets now stand at a mere $10 billion in the face of over $45 billion in short-term liabilities.

I determined that a perfectly timed Flip Trade made on another bank in March could have delivered 708% in 17 days. Folks, again, no guarantees – but this regional lender is poised for a plunge. And I suggest you get a piece of the action.

Each of the seven targets I've just shown you are ready to trade now. To get you in on these trades fast, I put details on each of the seven targets in a special investment briefing. It's yours the moment you agree to give my financial research initiative – Alpha Money Flow – a try.

Of course, these seven targets are only the beginning of what I believe will be the most lucrative 18 months of your life. Let me remind you – I determined that Flip Trades in March alone could have produced a host of top-performers.

Going forward, I plan on hitting the commercial real estate sector with a frenzy of flip trades. We're going to play it all – from REITs to banks, brokerages to insurance companies to builders and developers.

I believe we've got 18 months – probably more – of exceptional trading ahead of us. I expect this to be the best one of my career, and I want you to be by my side.

Here's how it'll work. Every day the markets are open, we will monitor our target list of REITs, banks, and related opportunities – insurance companies, brokerages, construction companies, and more.

When one of these targets meets our specific criteria and it shows us our trade signal, we know a fall could be imminent. In other words, it's game on.

I'll issue an immediate Trade Alert for your review. The Trade Alert will contain comprehensive analysis of the opportunity – critical details about debt, loans outstanding, cash flow… you get all the information – so you can see exactly why the company is positioned for a fall.

Plus, you'll receive a detailed stock chart so you can see the moment the stock hits the trade signal – setting off our Trade Alert. All you need to do is follow the instructions. And if you're completely comfortable with the play, just make the trade in your brokerage account.

I can tell you right now that the action is going to be fast and furious. Remember – commercial real estate is a gargantuan $21 trillion industry. And as money rushes out of REITs, banks, construction companies, and brokerage houses, it's going to rush into hot sectors on the rise.

In fact… right now, I'm tracking phenomenal opportunities in gold, commodities, natural resources, artificial intelligence, and cutting-edge work-from-home technologies.

As an Alpha Money Flow member, you'll have a shot to trade these sectors for explosive upside potential. And by the way, my team and I will monitor every trade – so you'll always be up to date on breaking situations.

You can be sure that when it's time to exit the trade and claim any profits, we will let you know with a detailed Profit Alert. All you need to do is follow our simple, detailed instructions.

Now, there's something else that you get as a member. In addition to all of those Trade Alerts, I'm going to give you something very special. It's my Flip Trade Master Program.

Remember… the Flip Trade takes a falling asset and flips it into a big potential win – the same way John Paulson flipped falling real estate into a $20 billion profit in 2008… the same way Carl Icahn flipped the shopping mall collapse into a $1.3 billion gain in 2020.

And while we're not aggressively shorting like they did, it's the same way I flipped falling stocks into ton of money. Look – I've been at this for 40 years… and now I'm going to show you all my secrets.

In fact, I've taken everything I know about the Flip Trade and broken it into a series of easy-to-understand instructional videos.

The moment you join as a member, video one will be on its way to you. And you'll get a new video every week for the first month. That way, you can digest the material at your own pace and practice the techniques in real time with the Trade Alerts I send you.

Of course, if you'd rather take a more laid-back approach… you can simply follow my detailed instructions. But learning how the Flip Trade works and the extraordinary leverage behind it could take your trading acumen to a whole new level.

Let me summarize everything you get. You'll get regular new Trade Alerts that give you a shot at big, fast gains as the commercial real estate market crashes.

And remember – commercial real estate is only one of the opportunities we're going to play. At this moment, I'm tracking emerging plays in an array of hot sectors – including gold, natural resources, commodities, artificial intelligence, and the surging work-from-home phenomenon.

That could be over 100 or more plays over the next year – giving you a shot at big potential wins. I realize that's a lot of trading activity, but don't worry – my team and I will monitor each and every trade.

And when it's time to take any profits, we'll send you detailed Profit Alerts telling you how to exit the trade for maximum upside potential.

You'll also get my Flip Trade Master Program – including five distinct videos chock-full of tips, tactics, and techniques I've developed over my 40-year career.

And of course, you'll get all the cutting-edge research we publish on a regular basis.

Now, you may be wondering: How much does all this cost? Well, as you know… there are research services like this that can run tens of thousands of dollars a year.

I know I could sell this strategy to institutional clients for at least $50,000 a year. But I want to make this opportunity available to anyone who wants to seize it today.

So for a limited time, I'm going to price this at a ridiculously affordable level – certainly not $50,000 per year… not even $10,000 a year. It's not even going to be $5,000 or $4,000 or $3,000. It's not even going to be $2,000.

Folks who get in now – while spots are available – can take advantage of our entire research service for a stunningly low price - and with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Now, here's the catch. Because I want to keep our group small and intimate, I'm only accepting 100 new members today. If you want an unprecedented wealth-building opportunity, you need to move fast.

This is strictly first come, first served. We are part of a network that has more than 530,000 daily readers, any number of whom could be watching today’s presentation. In other words, any hesitation could cost you your spot.

Remember – in March 2023 alone, the Flip Trade could have played the commercial real estate collapse for a flood of big potential wins. And with $1.5 trillion in loans coming due before the end of 2025, the opportunities are going to come even faster.

I urge you to get on board now. If you're ready to turn falling commercial real estate into a flood of monster potential profits, go ahead and hit the green button below. You'll be taken to a secure page where you can review everything you'll get ahead of time.

If you have any questions about the service and how it will work for you, I encourage you to contact our reliable customer service team at 844-201-1980 or 443-541-4636 (for international calls) and mention Priority Code: WMTD4200.

I'm Shah Gilani. Go ahead and hit the green button now – and I'll see you on the inside.



Don’t exit this page...

$1.5 trillion in commercial mortgages is about to come due... and this crisis just turned into a generational profit opportunity!


History has proven again and again... when real estate crashes, fortunes are made.

This is YOUR TIME to capitalize on a rare generational profit opportunity. Don’t miss it!


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