Manward Press Chief Investment Strategist and Star Fox Business Contributor Predicts...

Explosive Trump “Document 20” Will Set Off New Stockwave

Stocks soared as much as 3,480% during the last Trump Stockwave. Park your money here BEFORE the November 5th election.

See the details below:


You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final

My fellow American patriots,

President Donald J. Trump is back...

And looks poised to retake the Oval Office.

When he does...

You can expect another revolution to sweep through the stock market.

Just like during his first term.

Trump has forcefully set into motion a strategic plan, Codenamed “Document 20,” that’ll send stocks soaring over the next four years...

shah holding document 20

And I’m not talking about some made-up fanboy document like Project 2025 or anything like that.

Document 20” was put together by President Trump himself...

And contains his plan that could send some stocks up more than 1,000% over the next four years.

During Biden and Harris’s watch...

The American economy has been defined by the worst inflation the country has seen in 40 years...

Along with the cost of food and other key consumer goods... rent, insurance, and energy have all exploded to all-time highs.

cost of food chart

Consumer confidence, which hit record highs during Trump’s presidency, fell swiftly under Biden’s administration...

consumer confidence chart

All while the nation’s debt soared higher than $35 trillion.

But thanks to Trump’s “Document 20”...

I believe we’re about to see the single most significant bull market of our lifetimes.

In fact, over the next four years, I see the Dow soaring to 75,000...

Which would finally give Americans a real opportunity to rebuild and grow their wealth after Biden’s last four years.

My name is Shah Gilani, and you may know me from my weekly appearances on Fox Business...

Where I’ve been providing my market forecasts on hit shows like Varney and Company and Making Money with Charles Payne for more than a decade.

shah tv appearances

For nearly four decades, millions of people, including my former private hedge fund clients, have put their trust in my market analysis...

Because they know that while the mainstream media constantly promotes whatever stocks fit their agenda...I call things how I see them...

And today, I’m going to share the details on the upcoming historic Trump Stockwave.

But before we get to that, I want to remind you just how incredible Trump’s first term was for the market.

While in office, the Dow went up nearly double its rise under Biden’s economy.

dow chart

And the Nasdaq did even better.

It shot up an incredible 142% during Trump’s first four years...

More than quadrupling the measly 29% under Biden.

nasdaq chart

And we saw this play out even more dramatically with individual stocks...

Just look at Axon Enterprises, the company that makes Tasers.

Perfect for a law and order president like Trump.

If you had invested in Axon the day Trump took office, you could have made 531% during his presidency.

axon chart

Just $10,000 could have turned into $63,100...

But thanks to Trump’s new plans in Document 20 – law enforcement stocks like Axon are poised to break even more records.

Or how about Tradedesk, a cutting-edge advertising platform used by businesses that advertise on Fox and in “The Wall Street Journal”...

During Trump’s first term, it soared 2,592%

tradesk chart

$10,000 could’ve ballooned into $269,200 in four years...

With Trump’s plan outlined in what some like me have codenamed Document 20 - I believe we can expect to see more massive gains like these...

And it wasn’t just large companies that soared under Trump.

Small American businesses also soared during the first Trump Stockwave...

Take Xpel Inc...

An automotive parts company that specializes in paint films and ceramic coatings.

Trump’s pro-business policies helped small companies like Xpel grow much faster than normal.

During Trump’s first term, the stock soared an astonishing 3,480%!

xpel chart

That’s enough to turn $10,000 into $358,000.

That’s an extreme example of just how great the market was before Biden clamped the breaks on the economy and drove prices sky high....

But thanks to Trump’s Document 20...

I believe we will see massive gains like this during the second Trump Stockwave...

This is why you MUST pay attention to this important presentation...

Because NOW is your best time to take advantage of this next great Trump rally...

And I will tell you exactly where you should park your money before we start seeing stocks surge over 1,000% again.

But before I do, let me first answer the most critical question you should be asking...

Why should you listen to me?

I’ve Made Some of the Most Critical Predictions of the 21st Century


Well, for the past 40 years, people have been turning to me for financial intel...

I started my first hedge fund in 1982 and was a market maker on the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

shah CBOE

I even helped develop the implied volatility model that later became the VIX...

I’ve seen it all...

Which is why Fox Business has invited me to their most popular shows every week for a decade now...

fox business screenshots

And why I’ve been featured in publications such as Forbes and Money Morning.

Even though the last four years of the Biden administration have been a trainwreck for working Americans...

With the emphasis on pushing “woke,” anti-capitalist policies that do more harm than good for Main Street...

I haven’t backed down.

In fact, throughout it all, I’ve continued to appear on national TV to help Americans find opportunities to profit during Biden’s economy.

I’ve taken this responsibility very seriously, and I’ve made some of the most significant market predictions...

Long before they were popular within investing circles.

Like in February 2008...

I was one of the few experts who warned my readers to sell everything...

Months before the Dow fell more than 50%

Then, when I saw the bottom...

I told my readers it was time to buy.

Which allowed them to quintuple their nest egg over the next decade.

In 2016, I went on Making Money with Charles Payne and warned that “The entire federal reserve system is disconnected from reality.”

Of course...

We’ve recently seen the damage the Federal Reserve has caused.

Instead of acting responsibly during the pandemic...

It printed trillions...

Creating the worst inflation in decades.

The Fed instead spent months in denial, calling it “transitory”...

And yet it continues to devastate families.

But President Trump’s Document 20 is set to end all that...

Just like Trump’s first economic boom.

Which was one of the biggest predictions I ever made.

I predicted Trump’s first Stockwave LIVE on Fox Business ...

Right after Trump was elected...

I went on Varney & Co with Stuart Varney and told the world that the “sky is the limit” with how far the market can go under Trump...

varney screenshot

Varney even remembered my prediction and credited me in front of his audience.

Take a look at what he said...

“Well, I want to give you credit because right from the get-go, right after the election, you were the one who said this market is going to go straight up. You're also the one who said when it was at 19,000 that it would go to 21,000, and it did.”

As we all know, the Dow didn’t just stop there...

It soared to more than 30,492 by the end of Trump’s administration...

dow chart

That was more than a 60% move in just four years, even with all the COVID hysteria in between.

Compared to just 28% under the Biden-Harris administration.

The gain was even more dramatic with the Nasdaq...

With the Nasdaq under Trump surging 142%...

Which dwarfs the 29% gain seen under Biden and Kamala.

nasdaq chart

And thanks to the plans outlined in Trump's Document 20...

I expect us to see another Stockwave just like this.

In fact, I predict we’ll see the Dow soar to 75,000 over the next four years...

And that’s not even the main reason why you should be excited about Document 20...

Massive Fortunes Were Created During Trump’s Last Stockwave

While the broad market soared during Trump’s first Stockwave...

Some top-performing individual stocks did even better.

Just look at Copart, a popular car auction company...

It soared 310% during Trump’s term.

copart chart

Or financial firm MSCI, which surged 405% during Trump’s term...

msci chart

Or how about microchip company AMD...

Which soared... get this...

A whopping 805% during Trump’s first term.

AMD line chart

Even with the AI craze that has held up the stock market during the Biden-Harris administration...

AMD has only risen 66%.

AMD bar chart

So you can bet that their leadership team is privately looking forward to Trump’s next Stockwave...

These are just a few examples of S&P 500 stocks that soared during the last one...

And small caps soared too under Trump as well...

Like pet insurance company Trupanion...

trupanion chart

Which soared 760% during Trump’s first Stockwave...

Or how about the textbook and homework help website Chegg...

Which rocketed 1,291% during Trump’s last Stockwave.

chegg chart

That would have turned $1,000 into $13,910...

But it wasn’t the only opportunity to see more than 13X greater returns during Trump’s first Stockwave...

Cryoport jumped 1,950% during Trump’s first Stockwave.

cryopart chart

Which would turn just $1,000 into over $20,000.

And Celsius rocketed... 2,047%...

celcius chart

Enough to turn $1,000 into $21,470.

Looking back, it was an historic time to be in the market until Trump was forced out of office...

And, of course, all investing carries risk and past performance is no guarantee of future success.

But now, with Document 20...

Trump’s plan could lead to many more 10X opportunities during his second term...

Including the stocks that I’m going to detail in just a moment.

Trump’s Business-Friendly Policies Set Up the Perfect Environment for the First Stockwave

Regardless of how you feel about Trump’s personality or Trump’s social media antics...

It’s impossible to argue that his policies weren’t pro-business and pro-market.

During his first year in office, he passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act...

And while the Democrats and the mainstream media tried to portray it as simply a “giveaway to the rich”...

It actually was a boon to all investors.


401(k)s skyrocketed.

Unemployment plummeted.

The number of millionaires in America jumped by 7.6 million in just four years.

Let me repeat that.

7.6 MILLION people became millionaires in just four years.

Yes, his policies helped the rich... ESPECIALLY the people who weren’t rich until his first Stockwave MADE them rich!

And despite all the complaints, even the government itself got more money.

Tax revenues hit record increases under Trump.

That’s because... while people paid lower tax rates, they also made so much more money that tax revenue increased.

taxes chart

Beyond that, cutting taxes allowed businesses to reinvest their tax savings into their growth...

And put money back into the economy...

Which also led to soaring wealth for Americans.

Household wealth hit a record $147 trillion by the time Trump left office...

Generating almost $50 trillion in growth during Trump’s four years.

It’s more than any president in history.

In fact, after just the first year of the tax cuts...

Millions of workers received bonuses and wage increases thanks to the cut.

Trump grew the whole pie.

For everyone.

And now he’s going to do it even BIGGER and BETTER.

Document 20 will make his tax cuts permanent and extend them to American workers themselves by increasing tariffs on imported goods.

In fact, for decades, this is how the government made 80% of its revenue.

During America’s rise to economic dominance from 1816 to 1947...

The average tariff was 37% on 95% of all imports.

Before the government made our tariffs the lowest in the world.

We’ve allowed China to impose tariffs 341% higher than ours...

Yet, instead of bringing ours back in line with the rest of the world...

We’ve chosen to pass the bill onto American taxpayers.

But that inequity comes to an end thanks to Document 20.

More money will be kept in people’s pockets instead of going to wasteful bureaucracies and foreign powers.

But lower taxes are not the only reason the stock market will surge during the next Trump Stockwave...

 Before Radical Bidenomics... Businesses Thrived Under Trump

You see, when Trump took office in 2016...

He fulfilled an ambitious promise to roll back decades of government regulation and waste holding the American economy back...

More specifically, he promised to roll back two federal regulations for every new regulation imposed...


And not only did President Trump keep his promise...

He overdelivered by cutting 2 1/2 older regulations for every new one his administration created...

All in all, Trump’s deregulation efforts not only made it easier for businesses to operate here at home...

But it saved the country nearly $200 billion in regulatory costs.

In contrast, regulations exploded under Biden.

He made it harder for companies to succeed in America.

According to Casey Mulligan, an economics professor at the University of Chicago...

During Biden’s first two years...

His regulatory policies have ADDED an estimated $10,000 in costs to the average American household...

While Trump CUT costs by $11,000 per household.

household costs chart

It’s no wonder why consumer confidence peaked during Trump’s first term...

Then plummeted under Biden and Kamala’s watch.

When you add mountains of regulations... costs go up for everyone.

And sure enough, prices exploded under Biden.

Look at this data released by polling and data analytics firm Civiqs.

family finance chart

Based on responses from 1 million Americans over the past decade...

Until the end of Trump’s presidency...

77% of Americans reported that their finances were headed in the right direction...

Under Trump’s presidency...

With only 22% saying it got worse under his presidency.

That’s a stark difference from the 48% of people who reported that their family’s financial situation has worsened under the Biden-Harris administration.

Under the Biden-Harris presidency...


Let me repeat that...

The number of Americans who have reported that their finances have gotten worse has DOUBLED under Biden and Kamala.

And when American consumers can’t afford to shop or go out to eat, businesses and their employees suffer.

Trump plans to bring back cheap energy, low taxes, less costs through regulation, cheaper housing....

Through Document 20...

Trump plans for his second term to usher in the most incredible four years in stock market history.

So, you might be wondering...

How is this possible to accomplish through just one document?

What Trump wrote in Document 20 just ignited the next Stockwave.

Well, this special document written by Trump starts by undoing the damage caused by Biden and Kamala...

And I’m not talking about Project 2025 or some other document made up by someone else...

I’m referring to Trump’s core plan to Make America Great Again.

Once he steps back into the Oval Office.

That he put together himself.

It marks the end of discounts given to foreign countries at the expense of American taxpayers and businesses...

The end of Americans fearing high taxes that fuel wasteful bureaucracy...

The end of unnecessary regulations that cause everything to be more expensive...

The end of the war against affordable energy, manufacturing & innovative technologies such as crypto and AI...

And the end of criminals flooding into the country...

Driving up the cost of housing and government welfare programs.

Document 20 is his agenda to fix America and set off the next Stockwave.

And Wall Street is already excited for it.

According to a recent CNBC Survey of investors, traders, and money managers...

Nearly 7 out of 10 of them said that Trump would be better for stocks than Kamala.

pie chart

And already, we’re seeing signs of the Stockwave beginning...

In fact,...

Reuters says...

“Stock investors are leaning into corners of the U.S. equity market that could benefit from proposed Trump policies such as tax cuts and regulatory easing.”

And some of the world’s most successful businessmen and investors like...

Bill Ackman, Elon Musk, and John Paulson have put their total weight behind Trump’s Document 20.

But not every stock will go up during Trump’s second Stockwave.

There are three groups of stocks in particular that I believe will be the most likely to surge, like they did last time.

All three will be directly impacted by Trump’s Document 20...

Document 20 Will Rollback Biden’s International Energy Handouts

The first thing Document 20 aims to do is end Biden and Kamala’s energy handouts to other countries.

Since President Trump left office, America’s trade deficit has exploded to record highs...

And one of the worst culprits is our energy handouts that the Democrats have been shelling out.

According to Goldman Sachs, Biden’s $391 billion in green tax credits are projected to cost Americans $1.2 trillion when it’s all said and done...

Talk about a bad deal!

And it’s not going to American businesses.


80% of solar panel production and 90% of wind turbines are now produced in China...

But it’s not just solar panel production...

According to Bloomberg, 60% to 100% of the EV car battery supply chain is also made there.

Biden is outsourcing America’s energy to foreign countries.

And sending them billions to do it.

He’s selling out America.

In more ways than one.

Biden’s biggest blunder has probably been his efforts to destroy America’s energy independence.

Within his first week, Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline and halted new oil and gas leases...

And he raised the royalty fees oil companies pay the government for federal land by 33%.

It’s no wonder Biden needed to deplete 40% of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve just to keep pricing from hitting all-time records....

And why, throughout Biden’s entire presidency, the average price per gallon of gasoline has soared to more than double what it was under Trump..

In fact, according to CPI Reports, gas prices were up 34% during Biden’s presidency...

gas prices chart

And according to the Federal Reserve, the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour has risen 31%.

electricity chart

This is the exact opposite of what happened on Trump’s watch.

In 2019, America reached energy independence for the very first time...

And the national average for gasoline reached as low as $2.25.

Trump’s presidency also marked the rise of America becoming the #1 exporter...

With exports increasing by nearly 500% during his first term.

Yet as The Wall Street Journal pointed out...

Biden and Kamala took office, sided with liberal billionaire activists, and paused new LNG terminals from being approved.

wsj quote

The good news is...

Document 20 aims to bring those low energy prices back...

It’s set to make American energy independent again.

And end the war against American energy companies.

It will mark the return of American energy production...

Including oil, and liquid natural gas...

And it will terminate the Democrat’s pursuit of the Socialist Green New Deal...

Which experts estimate will cost every American household $75,168 during its first year.

And it won’t just be energy that comes back home...

Trump plans to bring all businesses back to America, just like he did during his first term.

In short, I believe energy and industrial stocks will be the first group to explode higher during Trump’s second Stockwave...

Energy and Manufacturing Stocks Will Surge During the Upcoming Stockwave

And we saw some of the top stocks in these sectors do precisely that during Trump’s first Stockwave...

Look at Geopark, a company specializing in oil and natural gas exploration...

geopark chart

Its stock soared 241% during Trump’s first two years

Or how about Caterpillar?

caterpillar chart

It surged 106% during Trump’s first Stockwave.

Or how about Global Industrial Company...

Which provides industrial supplies all around the world...

global industrial co chart

Its stock exploded 336% during Trump’s first Stockwave.

The Second Stockwave Could Be Even Bigger

And there are three stocks that I believe will help make Americans fortunes over the next four years...

  • One is an offshore drilling contractor that already has a $6.5 billion contract backlog and is set to grow exponentially under Trump’s presidency.
  • The second is an American steel company that’s created a state-of-the art new manufacturing process. Its steel is considered to be some of the best quality steel in the world...

In fact, its innovative approach is what largely makes it the most profitable of the top-five largest American steel companies.

And unlike U.S. Steel, which recently tried to sell itself to Japan...

It’s as American as it gets...

And is poised to surge once Document 20 works to bring steel manufacturing back home to America.

  • The 3rd company provides equipment needed in almost every new home and office built...

And with the Fed’s interest rate cuts and increased tariffs prescribed in Document 20...

The company is poised to return to America...

In fact, during his first term, Trump personally did everything in his power to prevent this company from moving what remained of its businesses out of America...

A move likely to continue during the second Stockwave...

I’ve put all the details on these three stocks in a new report I’m making available free of charge to trusted readers today.


It’s called Trump’s Reshoring Stockwave: 3 Energy & Manufacturing Stocks to Buy Now...

In it, I explain why if everything lines up like it did in 2016...

These stocks have the potential to explode upward of 100%, 300%, or even 1,000% during Trump’s second Stockwave.

I’ll show you how to get access in just a minute...

But it’s not just energy and manufacturing stocks that will surge, thanks to Document 20.

Document 20 Will Make America Safer...

Trump’s first term was great for law and order.

He launched Operation Legend to combat violent crimes in America’s cities, which led to over 5,000 arrests. 

And he signed the bipartisan First Step Act, which focused on helping former inmates rejoin society...

The end result?

Crime went down.

And so did the overall number of inmates.

crime chart

A number that has since risen under Biden and Kamala’s watch.

A fact the media never talks about.

Biden and Harris made America less safe. 

That’s just a fact.

During the Biden-Harris administration...

The number of criminals attempting to enter the U.S. illegally has more than doubled.

crime chart

Border Patrol data shows the arrests have gone from 21,936 during Donald Trump’s four years in office to 45,122 under Biden...

Criminals knew Biden would be softer than Trump at the border...

And sure enough, Biden and his “Border Czar,” Kamala Harris, opened America’s borders...

The U.S. Border Patrol Chief called the Biden-Harris border crisis a national security threat...


And Biden’s very own FBI Director warned that the dangerous individuals, including terrorists, are coming across the border.


Open borders also mean more drug and human trafficking...

Leading to drug-infested encampments all over our cities.

And those are just the threats here at home.

During the Biden administration, we’ve seen massive international blunders such as...

 The Taliban’s uncontrolled takeover of Afghanistan...

 An empowered Iran and North Korea...

 The largest full-scale war in Europe since World War II...

 And terrorists attacking Israel and international cargo ships...

The world seemed like it’s never been closer to World War III than it was under the Biden-Harris administration.

But thanks to Trump’s Document 20, we will soon see the return to law order...

At home and abroad.

But Document 20 should give us hope...

Trump Will Partner with These Companies to Protect America

Because in it, Trump details his plan to make America safer by...

  • Sealing the border and stopping the migration of criminals into the country...
  • Building a national defense system that is similar to Israel’s iron dome, which has stood up against tens of thousands of missiles from terrorist groups...
  • Prevent World War III by restoring peace in Europe and the Middle East...
  • And by rebuilding our cities to make them safer, cleaner, and beautiful again.

But he’s not going to be able to do it alone.

He will need to partner with American businesses to make America safer...

And just like we did during Trump’s first Stockwave...

Law enforcement and defense companies will see their stocks explode as they work with Trump...

Like Tetra Tech, a company that has been working with the border patrol for nearly two decades...

tetra chart

It soared 221% during Trump’s first Stockwave.

Or how about Heico...

heico chart

A company that makes parts found in planes, spacecraft, telecommunications, and other defense equipment...

It soared 238% during the first Stockwave.

Or Kratos, which makes missile defense systems and deleops space communications for the military.

kratos chart

It soared 285% during the first Trump Stockwave...

And, of course, there is Axon Enterprise...

axon chart

The police body camera manufacturer saw its stock soar 531% during Trump’s first term.

This is precisely what I expect to happen to law enforcement and defense stocks during the upcoming Trump Stockwave...

And I’ve already identified three stocks that I believe are the most likely to surge during Trump’s next term.

There are no guarantees, but each one has a 10X potential at minimum.

  • The first is a defense company that produces electronic products and systems for the U.S. military...

And since July 31, 2024, alone... It’s received $218 million in contracts from the U.S. Army and $417 million from the U.S. Navy.

And thanks to Trump’s plans to make America safer, outlined in Document 20, it's in a position to receive even more.

  • The second is a company that designs and builds radio frequency components used in satellites, guided missiles, SATCOM, and other electronic warfare systems...

And will become increasingly important as enemies like Russia, China, and Iran become more and more technologically efficient. 

  • The third company is a drone manufacturer headquartered less than a mile from the Pentagon...

It soared 411% during Trump’s first stock wave and could make an even larger move during the second one.

You can access all of my research on these three stocks free of charge as one of my trusted readers.


I put them all in another new report I’m calling ...Trump’s Guardian Stockwave: 3 Law Enforcement & Defense Stocks to Buy Now.

But here's the thing...

While I’m banking on the stock market to hit new highs during the second Stockwave...

It's not just stocks that will surge... 

Stock’s Aren’t the Only Asset Class That Will Surge During the Trump Stockwave...

See, America’s money problem has gotten substantially worse under Biden.

After years of low inflation with Trump...

Biden’s American Rescue Plan caused inflation to spike to the highest levels in over four decades...

And don't let Biden and company fool you.

While they say inflation is over, they simply mean that prices aren’t rising as fast as before.

Prices are still climbing everywhere we look!

In 2024, rent hit record highs... insurance skyrocketed to rates we’ve never seen before... the cost of groceries and restaurants continued soaring to amounts that were unthinkable under Trump.


It’s a disaster for Americans.

On a household level, Americans are now racking up record credit card debt...

Which has now reached $1 trillion.

debt chart

I mean, look at that chart...

Credit card debt has increased by over 25% since Biden took office...

And speaking of trillions in debt...

The national debt has continued to skyrocket during the Biden-Harris administration...

It’s up to over $35 trillion under their watch.

debt chart

It’s so bad many American worry the government will hit the reset button by creating a central bank digital currency.

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan went public and said:

“Crypto Could Stave Off a U.S. Debt Crisis”

And on March 9th, 2022, Biden quietly signed Executive Order 14067, which ordered the Federal Reserve to start developing a central bank digital currency.

But it’s not because Biden is a fan of Ccypto... 

Instead, it is my belief that the Democratic plan is to try to create a purely government-controlled crypto.

They want to wipe out the crypto markets that have generated trillions in new wealth...

And replace it with one crypto that THEY control.

It will allow them to print as much fake money as they want.

It will allow them to track every digital dollar you spend.

They can tax your wealth.

Keep you from investing the way you want.

Meanwhile, they tried to shut down your ability to invest in FREE cryptos that aren’t controlled by the government.

Throughout the entire Biden-Harris administration, the SEC, led by chairman Gary Gensler, has been the most hostile administration towards private cryptos...

And when you think about it, it shouldn’t be a mystery why.

Why would Biden and Kamala want to compete with private digital currencies?

They want a complete monopoly on crypto.

In contrast, Trump’s Document 20 explicitly calls to...

“End Democrats’ unlawful and un-American crypto crackdown and oppose the creation of a central bank digital currency.

And ensure every American has the right to self-custody of their digital assets and transact free from government surveillance and control.”

Which is why it won’t just be stocks that will surge, thanks to Document 20...

Cryptos and digital assets will, too... potentially even more than they did during Trump’s first Stockwave....

Just look at Bitcoin, the most widely used crypto on the planet...

bitcoin chart

It surged 3,830% during Trump’s first term...

Compared to just 68% under Biden...

But it wasn’t just Bitcoin that skyrocketed under Trump’s administration...

Some smaller cryptos surged even MORE than Bitcoin did...

crypto chart

With some of the top-performing coins creating fortunes for the investors with the foresight to invest in Trump’s crypto rally...

Like Ripple, which surged 4,567% during Trump’s first term...

Or Chainlink, which surged an unbelievable 11,455%...

Enough to turn $1,000 into $115,550.

Or Ethereum, which rose 12,850% under Trump...

Turning $1,000 into $129,500.

But I believe thanks to Trump’s crypto-friendly Document 20...

We could see an even BIGGER rally during Trump’s second presidency.

According to Standard Chartered’s research team...

We could see Bitcoin’s price surge to a jaw-dropping $150,000 if Trump wins the presidency.


We’ve set up a crypto portfolio filled with digital assets that could rise 10X or even 100X under Trump...

The opportunity is massive and even bigger than most people think.

Now look, I know cryptos are extremely volatile and not every one will see these types of top gains...

But there is a new development that could provide investors another opportunity to profit off the next crypto rally...

Without having to invest in any cryptos themselves.

Investors can now invest in digital assets through approved ETFs and other digital asset stocks...

This is the perfect opportunity for any investor who wants to take advantage of the next crypto rally...

Without having to directly hold crypto...

That’s why I’ve also put together another report called Trump’s Crypto Stockwave: 3 Digital Asset Stocks to Buy Now...


In it, you’ll see three digital-asset stocks that could soar under Trump.

  • The first is one of the most powerful new AI-backed cryptos...

Which could be the next frontier for crypto, thanks to the new protections that Document 20 creates.

  • The second company is basically the Exxon Mobil of Bitcoin mining...

And is perhaps the most likely company to benefit if Bitcoin surges to $100,000 or beyond.

Sixteen hedge funds currently hold this stock in their portfolio...

And more could join them during the next Crypto Stockwave. 

  • The third company is an exchange that could soar during the next crypto rally thanks to Trump’s pro-crypto policies outlined in Document 20.

All of this research is put together in this comprehensive report.

Just like the other six Stockwave stocks that I’ve researched for you...

These stocks could soar 100%, 300%, or even 1,000% over the next four years...

If everything lines up as they did during Trump’s first Stockwave.

We’re talking about four-year gains that are larger than most investors will ever see within their lifetimes.

But despite how life-changing these stock gains would be...

There is a way to potentially fast-track even larger gains...

How to Amplify Your Stockwave Gains Even More...

Through the power of options.

With options, you could get in at a fraction of the cost and take your upside to the moon.

All of these monstrous Trump Stockwave gains show what you could make investing directly in the stocks...

And some of them have been massive...

  • Like the 1,291% gain on CHEGG...
  • Or the 1,950% on Cryoport...
  • Or the 3,480% gain on Xpel...

But while most investors will never see triple- and quadruple-digit gains...

When they do happen... they are life-changing.

You might need to buy and hold the stock for years...

With options...

You could collect big profits within months, weeks, or even days sometimes...

And look...

I know a lot of people view options as super risky...

But it’s important to remember that every investment starts with a trade...

And like anything with investing...

Regardless of if you trade stocks or options... they both carry risk.

Many investors have blown up their portfolios by investing in the wrong stocks.

There is no such thing as a completely safe investment...

And past performance isn’t guaranteed for future results.

But I want to give you every resource that I have available...

So that you have the freedom to choose how you can profit from Trump’s second Stockwave.

That’s why I will also give my loyal readers a copy of my popular report...

My No 1. Trading Technique of All Time


Which outlines how I trade options for potentially massive profits.

This is the same technique I’ve used to recently score massive wins even during Biden’s failed presidency across my research services ...

  • Like my 150% win on iShares China in about three months.
  • Or my 292% gain on Teradyne in just seven months...
  • Or my 607% profit on Lantheus Holdings in about 3.5 months.

All of these peak gains were possible thanks to the power of options...

And while most investors won’t see gains like this within their lifetimes...

They could be peanuts compared to the gains we’ll see, thanks to Trump’s plans in Document 20.

My friends...

Now is the time to get your portfolio in position for Trump’s second Stockwave.

You NEED to Pay Close Attention to Trump’s Stockwave Today

While Document 20 has already been put into motion...

There is time to get in before the stock market takes off like a rocket.

I fully expect millions of new millionaires to be minted over the next four years...

Just like the 7.6 million people who became millionaires during Trump’s first term.

I’ve already done the work to help you profit off the next Trump Stockwave...

I want to send you all four of the special reports I mentioned today...


#1. Trump’s Reshoring Stockwave: Three Energy & Manufacturing Stocks to Buy Now...

#2. Trump’s Guardian Stockwave: 3 Law Enforcement & Defense Stocks to Buy Now...

#3. Trump’s Crypto Stockwave: 3 Digital Asset Stocks to Buy Now...


4. My No 1. Trading Technique of All Time


You can open them up...

And see how to play Trump’s second Stockwave for lucrative gains up to 1,000% or more...


If everything lines up...

We’re talking about returns even larger than any of the gains that I’ve recommended over the last year.

That’s how lucrative this opportunity is!

But I’m not going to stop with these reports and hope that everything works out...

I’m going to help you through this historic wealth-building opportunity...

Because as we’ve seen over and over again over the past eight years...

This country’s political situation can change...

And new opportunities could present themselves.

That’s why you need someone in your corner that you can turn to to help you find the best opportunities in the market.

You simply can’t trust what the mainstream media says anymore.

That’s where I come in...

I’ve spent my entire career helping millions of investors around the world find opportunities to profit, even during the most volatile times.

It’s why, for over a decade, Fox Business has trusted me to speak to their viewers virtually every week...

And why Manward Press has trusted me to lead their readers to financial freedom by publishing my newsletter...

Which I’m inviting you to try out risk-free.

manward money report newsletter

Manward Money Report is my monthly newsletter to help everyday Americans like you secure TRUE financial freedom.

It’s where I share my very best investment ideas...

And expose generational wealth-building opportunities just like the Trump Stockwave.

I don’t simply tell my readers what tickers to invest in as some publications do...

I share ALL of my research and intel...

And most importantly, I update my readers weekly on my positions based on what’s happening in the market.

That’s the key!

When you take a risk-free trial to Manward Money Report...

Not only am I going to give you all four of my reports that I’ve mentioned during this presentation...


Free of charge...

I will give you everything you need to profit during Trump’s second Stockwave...

Regardless of how the political situation may change.

You’re also going to get all of our monthly reports...

Each outlines the latest investment opportunities we’re excited for our readers to profit from.

At Manward Press, we’ve been ahead of the curve on some of the largest market moves in recent years..

For example - in 2021 we highlighted Nvidia in one of our monthly briefings.

nvidia chart

It was an excellent opportunity to profit off its historic 419% rally over the next two years.

We’re always looking for the best opportunities for our readers to profit.

That’s what we are looking for here with Trump’s second Stockwave.

Remember – during his first one...

Smart Americans had the opportunity to secure top gains reaching as much as...

  • 2,047% on Celsius
  • 760% on Trupanion
  • 1950% on Cryoport
  • 1291% on Chegg
  • 3,480% on Xpel

All within Trump’s first term!

But here’s the best part...

Stocks aren’t the only asset we monitor.

We’re looking at stocks, options, cryptos, and other alternative assets that we believe will lead the market...

In our constantly evolving Modern Asset Portfolio (MAP)...

Which readers can access 24/7 to monitor all our positions...

Including my current Buy/Hold/Sell rating for each position.


On top of that, we provide weekly updates...


And regular alerts whenever we buy or sell a position...

So that readers of Manward Money Report always know my market outlook and what’s happening with the positions in our Modern Asset Portfolio.

We do everything within our power to empower our readers...

Including providing world-class training, research, and regular live video calls...


So that you’re not just getting recommendations...

But you’re also learning to become a savvier investor and fish for yourself.

That’s why our people can’t stop raving about the Manward Money Report.

Like Craig who wrote...“So far, I'm thoroughly enjoying my membership to Manward Money Report. Thanks for the financial guidance.”

Greg called Manward Money Report...

Plain and simple and a refreshing perspective that keeps the 'noise' out.”

Or Ella who wrote in“Hi Shah... I've been a subscriber for six years and I just can't thank you enough for helping me get out of debt... Keep it coming”

But don’t take their word for it...

Try out Manward Money Report risk-free for yourself.

Not only will you get all four of the special reports I put together to help you profit from Trump’s second Stockwave...

But today, you won’t have to pay the regular price of $249 for 12 months.

Because of the magnitude of this rare opportunity...

My publisher and I agreed to give you a special discount.

When you join today, you can take a risk-free trial for one single payment of only $49.


That’s for the entire year...

But when you break it down to just $4.08 per month...

It's hard even to find a good old American hamburger for that price.

But despite the special discount that we’re offering you today...

My entire team and I want you to be 100% happy with Manward Money Report... That’s why...


You have the next 365 days to decide if this is right for you.

If the Manward Money Report is not living up to the lofty promises I’ve made today...

Simply call us, and you’ll promptly receive a FULL refund of your subscription cost. 

Every last penny!

And you can even keep all four of the special reports from this presentation for FREE!

Consider them my gift for putting your trust in us and giving Manward Money Report a good, honest try.

To get started, simply click on the button below,

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But there is one more special report that I want to put in your hands before Trump’s second Stockwave begins...

Bonus Report #5:
Biden-Harris Tax Escape Plan($199 value)

Because even with Trump’s tax policies put in motion with Document 20...

The reality is it will take time for them to be enacted...

Just look back during Trump’s first presidency...

Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017.

It took Trump a full 336 days to fight through all of the typical D.C. swamp-bickering to pass his tax cuts...

That’s why I am including a fifth special report, the Biden-Harris Tax Escape Plan...

And in it, I’ll detail how you can best protect your money from oppressive taxes from the Biden-Harris administration.

Trust me – once you start seeing the gains from the Trump Stockwave, you’ll be thankful to have this report in your possession.

It's yours when you try out Manward Money Report risk-free over the next year.

Here’s Everything You’re Going to Get Today as a New Manward Money Report Reader:

  • 12 months of Manward Money Report with all of our research and commentary on stocks, options, and the cryptocurrency market ($249 value)
  • Access to our Modern Asset Portfolio (MAP) with positions that are updated daily with current Buy/Hold/Sell ratings, so you have complete transparency into any of my recommendations that I make
  • Special report #1: Trump’s Reshoring Stockwave: Three Energy & Manufacturing Stocks to Buy Now ($299 value)
  • Special report #2: Trump’s Guardian Stockwave: 3 Law Enforcement & Defense Stocks to Buy Now ($299 value)
  • Special report #3: Trump’s Crypto Stockwave: 3 Digital Asset Stocks to Buy Now... ($299 value)
  • Special report #4: My No 1. Trading Technique of All Time report($399 value)
  • Special Report #5: Biden-Harris Tax Escape Plan($199 value)
  • Access to my entire private library of training videos and research, including dozens of reports with bonus picks and ideas to grow your wealth.
  • Weekly private alerts with position updates, plus any additional commentary on the markets as we have to make them.
  • Invitations to live video calls and online “town hall” meetings with me – where I’ll provide you with all of my commentary on the markets and answer your questions during Q&A sessions.
  • And more!

And remember, all of this is backed by our 365-day complete money-back guarantee.

You don’t need to make a final decision right now.

If you don’t like Manward Money Report at any time during your first year...

Simply give us a call, and you’ll receive a complete refund.

Plus, you can keep all five of the special reports...

Valued together at $1,495...

Free of charge.

Click the button on your screen to get started...

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When you do, you’ll join tens of thousands of other Manward Money Report readers who are taking advantage of my market intel every day...

True Americans like...

Peter Y., who said...

“Shah has been consistently rewarding subscribers!”

Mehard said....

Shah and Manward are delivering what I’m looking for. Tomorrow’s blockbuster at today’s low price.”

And Eddie C. wrote...

“Great information as always. Manward is the best and it keeps getting better!”

I’m glad that all my work has been helping readers find meaningful wealth-building opportunities.

Thanks to Document 20, we’re about to enter the next great market bull run...

Trump’s second Stockwave will start the market on a path that will end with the Dow over 75,000.

Which will mean opportunities for intelligent Americans like you to build fortunes over the next few years.

If we see the same surge that we saw during Trump’s first Stockwave...

I expect we’ll see some stocks and assets soar over 1,000%.

Some may go as high as 3,480%.

That’s the sort of max potential we’re looking at here.

As President Trump looks to fix the mess that the country has been in over the past four years.

The time is now to prepare yourself for what could be the last truly great period of stock market returns of our generation.

I’m looking forward to helping you take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

Thanks for being here.

To your success,

Shah Gilani

You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final


WAIT! Do you really want to miss out on Trump’s Second Stockwave?

Stocks soared as much as 3,480 during President Trump’s first Stockwave...

And over 7.6 million Americans became new millionaires.

This could be the last opportunity for Americans to build generational wealth... and it’s all thanks to President Trump’s “Document 20.

Click on the “Keep Watching” button to continue watching this presentation...

Or click on the “Read Transcript” button to read more about this once-in-lifetime opportunity available to true American patriots.


Enter your email address to reserve your Trump Stockwave 2.0 research package (A $1,495 Value!)

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