Hey, Andy Snyder here.
Grab a pen and pad and write down this date: August 10, 2021.
This is when I believe a key SEC ruling will light a new fire under the crypto market.
And while this landmark decision could lift most cryptos...
Including the usual suspects like Bitcoin and Ethereum...
My in-depth analysis shows that the biggest potential winners live in a pocket of the crypto market where tiny, dirt cheap coins can surge at record speeds.
It’s a sector that CNN calls...
“The next big wave of investing.”
The Wall Street Journal confirms that it’s filled with...
“Cheaper alternatives [to Bitcoin] that could be the next to skyrocket.”
And according to Barron’s, this market...
“Could steal [Bitcoin’s] thunder.”
I call it the “Deep Crypto Market.”

And it’s home to some of the most explosive gains in the history of crypto.
Like Polkadot, which went from $5 to $39 in 57 days, a 662% gain...

Cardano, which blew up from $0.15 to more than $1 in 65 days, a 773% gain...

And Theta Fuel, which rocketed from a mere $0.03 to $0.50 in 87 days, a 1,284% gain.

So why are so many of these Deep Cryptos taking off so quickly?
And why are they likely to rocket even higher come August 10?
It’s because, unlike Bitcoin, these coins have technological uses. They actually do something.
They have real, fundamental value.
Theta Fuel, for instance, is a way to compensate users for sharing their internet bandwidth and reducing strain on the computer network.
Polkadot enables hundreds of individual blockchains – the systems used to record crypto transactions – to communicate efficiently with each other.
It’s essential technology in a decentralized economy.
And Cardano is a digital currency that uses a tiny fraction of the energy consumed by Bitcoin.
It solves one of crypto’s biggest problems.
These are coins that send computer programmers – folks who truly understand the game-changing promise of cryptocurrencies – over the moon.
Not to mention analysts like me who’ve earned a reputation for spotting opportunities like this...
These are true innovators that will shift how we conduct business... make transactions... and interact with the world around us.
As I’ll show you, Deep Cryptos aren’t part of some fad. These are world-altering technologies...
That’s why I’ve developed a proprietary system that helps me target these Deep Cryptos before they soar.
I’ve used it to help my readers make 2X, 6X and even 19X Bitcoin’s returns.
In a moment, I’ll give you a peek under the hood of this system – which some once-skeptical readers said “has made us believers” – and tell you about three NEW coins that are currently flashing buy signals.
One of these Deep Cryptos was developed by a literal GENIUS.
He won the Turing Award, the computer science equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

And another Deep Crypto taps into an area of cryptos that researchers say could boost the global GDP by $1.7 TRILLION over the next 10 years.
It was described by none other than The Wall Street Journal as “tamper-proof.”
Now, one thing I have to mention before we go any further...
Due to the low-priced nature of these assets, you don’t have to bet the farm for the chance to make a great deal of money from Deep Cryptos.
In fact, I urge against it.
Like any new innovation, these coins are priced cheap... and that can come with the type of volatility you’d find with penny stocks or options contracts.
They can surge 25% in one 24-hour period... and they can drop 25% in one too.
Our goal here is to have fun... discover breakthrough technologies before they become widely known... and hopefully pick up some solid triple-digit gains along the way.
So keep your bets small – I’m talking about stakes of $100, $200 or $500 tops – and don’t invest more than you can afford to lose.
This isn’t for your retirement money.
But for folks willing to place a speculative trade... and hold on... I believe the upside potential is unmatched by anything out there.
If that appeals to you, I’ll show you how to gain access to the Deep Crypto Market... make trades... and play this market like a pro.
And here’s the best part...
You don’t need a super-fast computer to join in on the fun.
To take part in this exciting new initiative, all you need is...
- An email address
- A stable internet connection
- A halfway decent phone, computer or tablet.
What’s more, you don’t need an advanced trading account with special clearances...
And you don’t need any experience trading cryptos.
In short, if you can buy a stock, YOU CAN BUY A DEEP CRYPTO.
And it might be wise to learn about this market sooner rather than later.
Like I just said, an SEC ruling expected on August 10 could supercharge this entire sector.
It all hinges on the passage of this registered filing.

But this is no shot in the dark.
For reasons I’ll soon share with you, I’m convinced the SEC’s approval is all but guaranteed.
And I believe the three coins I mentioned earlier could go 100% vertical in the weeks following this event.
I’m talking about double-your-money potential here. Maybe even higher over the long haul!
And look, I don’t make this claim lightly.
For the past few months, I’ve been taking a small group of readers inside the Deep Crypto Market...
And showing them how to extract profits from this arena.
Get this... across my publications...
We’ve closed out an average crypto gain of 109% in just 52 days.
Here, let me show you.
On February 4, I plugged into the Deep Crypto Market...
My computing system did an analysis scanning the market for major money flows into specific cryptos.
And it helped me uncover a crypto with MAJOR short-term upside.
It’s called Kyber Network Crystal.
This coin is valuable because it provides liquidity to the crypto markets.
As in the stock market, liquidity enables crypto traders to exchange assets without making their prices go haywire.
Now, pay attention to this chart...
Bitcoin is the orange line, and Kyber is the white line.
At first, these coins were neck and neck.
Then, all of a sudden, Kyber blasted higher – and left Bitcoin in the dust.
So while Bitcoin gained a respectable 20%, Kyber soared 40% – and in just four days!

It DOUBLED Bitcoin’s move.
So for every $1,000 investors could’ve made with Bitcoin, they would’ve made $2,000 with Kyber.
But wait until you get a load of this...
A couple of weeks before Kyber took off, my system helped me target a nice, under-the-radar Deep Crypto.
As you can see, Bitcoin didn’t go down without a fight...
It surged 35% over the next six weeks.
But this coin had it beat. It went up 196%. That’s nearly 6X higher!

But that’s nothing.
On March 26, my system spotlighted a Deep Crypto with BIG profit potential.
Check it out.
Remember, the orange line is Bitcoin, and the white line is my Deep Crypto.
Over the next week, Bitcoin traded pretty flat, climbing just 7%.
My Deep Crypto, on the other hand, smoked Bitcoin almost immediately.
It soared 132% in just six days.

That’s 19X what Bitcoin made during that time frame.
If you know what you’re doing, Deep Cryptos beat Bitcoin ALL DAY LONG.
Now, I’m sure you’d like to know the names of these trades...
But because these trades are still open, it wouldn’t be fair to my existing subscribers to reveal these coins here.
You should also know that the last two coins I mentioned are partial gains.
That means we closed out part of the position, and we’re letting the rest of it ride for long-term profits.
And keep in mind, of course, that past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Deep Cryptos can move up faster than Bitcoin – but they can move down faster too.
That’s why I’m pounding the table on this point: Keep your positions small.
It’s crucial that you understand this. This is how the pros keep their losses down.
That said, I believe the system I’ve programmed my computer to follow... is one of the finest in the world of crypto trading.
And it’s pinpointed three Deep Cryptos that could double investors’ money – AT MINIMUM – starting on August 10.
I’ll give you the full scoop on them shortly.
But first, I want to clear the air and respond to a question that’s on a lot of folks’ minds now:
Is the Crypto Bull Run Over?
The short answer is no. Not by a long shot.
Now here’s the long answer...
Yes, a string of bad press – from China cracking down on crypto mining to Tesla’s decision to suspend accepting Bitcoin for vehicle purchases – has sent the market lower.
But – as Forbes put it – this is all just “short-term noise.” We’ve been here before... many times.
While crypto newbies are pulling out their hair and fleeing the market en masse...
Crypto veterans are taking advantage of the fire sale on crypto assets and building up their portfolios.
As crypto strategist Meltem Demirors pointed out to CNBC...
“[Investors] that have been holding for a long time have actually been using this opportunity to accumulate.”
That’s because if you take a step back, you’ll see that the big-picture view of crypto is still the same.
It all boils down to two words: MAINSTREAM ADOPTION.
The number of active crypto accounts has gone up 205-fold since 2011.

And while that’s incredible growth...
We’re still in the earliest stages of crypto going mainstream.
Even today, just 1.3% of people own Bitcoin.
Imagine if the percentage increased to, say, 25%.

The prices would skyrocket even further.
And the truth is... that’s what’s happening now.
Companies that wouldn’t have been caught dead with Bitcoin three years ago...
Are now buying up Bitcoin IN SPADES.
You’ve got Silicon Valley diving in with both feet.
Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s company Square has bought $220 million worth of Bitcoin.
And even in the thick of all this volatility, Dorsey STILL said, “Bitcoin changes absolutely everything. I don’t think there is anything more important in my lifetime to work on.”
That’s why Tesla purchased $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin... and why MicroStrategy’s built a $5.5 billion Bitcoin position.

And, as huge as these investments are, they’re not really surprising.
Big Tech is always looking to get ahead of the next big innovation.
If a new technology is gaining traction, you can count on the techies to figure out a way to monetize it.
What really blows me away is how many old, OLD institutions are not only adopting Bitcoin...
But also holding it in the face of the headline panic!
MassMutual – which has been around since 1851 – just snapped up $100 million worth.

BNY Mellon, America’s OLDEST bank, announced that it will manage Bitcoin and other cryptos for its clients.

And JPMorgan Chase, the largest U.S. bank by revenue, is planning to roll out a Bitcoin fund as soon as this summer.

And look, if this were just about speculating on a popular trend, that would be one thing.
But you’ve got Wall Street LEGENDS coming out and saying they LOVE cryptos!
Value investing legend Bill Miller predicts that...
“Every major bank, every major investment bank, every major high net worth firm is going to eventually have some exposure to Bitcoin.”
And Paul Tudor Jones compares buying Bitcoin to...
“Investing with Steve Jobs and Apple or investing in Google early.”
Now here’s what I love about crypto, especially at today’s prices.
- You need to put in only a small amount of money.
- Your holding period can be as long or short as you want.
- You can have the shot at capturing a FAR bigger profit than you’d see in the stock market.
But here’s the thing... I am NOT recommending you load up on Bitcoin.
Sure, you can buy some Bitcoin, hold it for a few years and make a decent return.
If you want to grow your money slowly, that’s a great plan.
I’ve got some Bitcoin as an inflation hedge. And I have no plans to sell.
But that’s NOT the best way to grow your money right now.
If you really want to capitalize on the crypto trend...
I urge you to consider buying Deep Cryptos... and soon!
The big SEC ruling I expect on August 10, 2021, will effectively pull back the curtain on the crypto market...
And separate the pretenders... from the TRUE contenders.
Mark my words...
The three Deep Cryptos I’m about to describe to you will make the grade in a major way.
So what are Deep Cryptos? And what sets them apart from other cryptocurrencies?

Well, for one, Deep Cryptos aren’t jokes like Dogecoin or Shiba Inu coin.
They aren’t pyramid schemes or overhyped tokens touted by dubious promoters.
And they aren’t money, either. The makers of these coins have no interest in dethroning the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
I can’t imagine any currently available crypto doing that anytime soon.
After all, what person in their right mind wants a currency that’s worth $2 one day and $0.75 the next?
Deep Cryptos don’t have pie-in-the-sky ambitions.
Instead, they have practical applications that will only become more valuable as the adoption of crypto becomes more widespread.
I call them Deep Cryptos because they have depth.
Their technology is built on a foundation of research, hard work and true vision.
It’s these types of real-world, truly useful coins that will blast higher as the smart money begins to embrace the crypto market.
And these are the only types of coins I can recommend in good conscience to my readers.
You see, I come from a value-investing background.
My heroes are folks like Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham and Peter Lynch...
Wall Street legends who beat the market by studying a stock’s fundamentals... determining whether it’s correctly priced... and – if it’s underpriced – buying and holding it for the long term.
I’ve taken that mentality and applied it to cryptocurrencies.
By targeting Deep Cryptos, I’ve shown my followers the chance to capture an average of 109% gains per trade in just 52 days.
We’ve made 2X, 6X and even 19X as much as Bitcoin.
You don’t get results like this by throwing a dart at a computer screen.
You need to build a system from the ground up...
And subject it to one test after another until it’s running like a dream.
That’s what I’ve accomplished with my crypto tracking system, CRYPTECH.

CRYPTECH is my elite computing system specially engineered to help me find the next big winners in the Deep Crypto Market.
Let me give you a high-level overview of how this works.
In essence, it’s all about money flows.
In any 24-hour period, as much as $186 BILLION gets moved around the crypto market.
That’s active whale traders shifting boatloads of cash from one crypto to another.
CRYPTECH mines around a trillion data points to pinpoint the EXACT moment the buying pressure on a crypto becomes so intense that its upside potential is plain to see...
It filters that data into a screen like this...

In this screen, the green line represents the crypto’s money flow.
The black line is the neutral line. It separates a crypto’s Bear Zone from its Bull Zone.
So when the green line crosses the black line and enters the Bull Zone...
That means that buying pressure is outweighing selling pressure...
And it’s time to get greedy!
You’re about to see some top historical examples that show the power of the indicator behind this system.
These cryptos beat Bitcoin by such a wide margin, it’s not even funny.
Take Chainlink. It’s a Deep Crypto used to verify smart contracts, a type of self-executing agreement that Barron’s calls “the future of digital payments.”
Last year, on May 26, this crypto’s money flow crossed the neutral line and entered the Bull Zone.

Over the next 81 days, Chainlink soared to peak gains of 400%.
During that same time frame, Bitcoin went up just 35%.

That means Chainlink beat Bitcoin 11 times over.
So for every $1,000 investors could’ve made from Bitcoin, they would’ve made $11,000 on Chainlink.
Now check this out.
It’s a coin called Stellar. It enables users to transfer digital currency to fiat money domestically and across borders.
It’s backed by payments startup Stripe and supported by donations from BlackRock and Google. On June 25, 2020, Stellar burst into the Bull Zone.

That’s the type of activity that ought to give you goosebumps.
It indicates BIG profits ahead.
Sure enough, Stellar rocketed up as high as 201% in the next five months.
Bitcoin went up 85% during that time.
Stellar’s return was 136% higher than Bitcoin’s.

For every $1,000 investors would’ve made from Bitcoin, they would’ve made $2,360 trading Stellar.
Let me show you one more example.
Just to show you how POWERFUL this strategy can be in a blue-sky scenario.
It’s a Deep Crypto called Rune.
It solves one of the biggest problems with cryptos.
There are thousands of cryptos, blockchains and exchanges – but they’re all operating independently of each other.
Rune has the capability to bridge all these networks and enable them to work together.
And on May 20, 2020, its money flow went vertical.
It shot right through the neutral line and into the Bull Zone.

In just over three months, Rune skyrocketed. It went up 938%.
To compare, Bitcoin went up only 23%.
Rune DOMINATED Bitcoin. We’re talking about 3,978% outperformance.

For every $1,000 Bitcoin would’ve handed investors, Rune would’ve blessed them with $40,000.
Now, it would’ve taken perfect timing and a bit of luck to capture these gains...
But my mission is to give you the shot at these types of profits in real time.
You can see why I share the insights I gain from my CRYPTECH software with only a small group of people.
This system gives my followers a true competitive edge in the crypto market. I want to show you an email I just received that sums up what our whole group is about.
It’s from a reader named Gil Sanderson.
It says...
“My wife Enid and I can’t thank you enough for the expert financial guidance you share with us nearly every day. We invested $1,000 each in Algorand and Band Protocol about two weeks ago and today took home hefty gains of 270% and 215%. Our investment in you has made us believers. It’s already paid off, and we’ve just scratched the surface.”
270% and 215% in just two weeks! Isn’t that amazing?
As you can see, some of my readers – like Gil and Enid – are relatively new to crypto trading.
And some have been trading cryptos for years.
But here’s the thing...
I think the profits people like Gil and Enid have seen are about to become much bigger.
Because a single crypto market catalyst is set to supercharge many of the Deep Crypto plays my system tracks.
If the SEC makes its game-changing crypto move on August 10 – as I believe it will – you’ll want to be ready to take FULL ADVANTAGE of this one-time-only event.
We’re talking about a SEA CHANGE. Once this catalyst hits, things will never be the same.
The Wall Street Journal just reported that it...
“Could rock the crypto market” and result in “a lot of growth.”
And one insider the paper interviewed said it...
“Might bring a whole new zone of capital into the market.”
This day will mark a turning point for the crypto industry...
And take crypto’s mainstream adoption to a whole new level.
So what is this big trigger event that’s going to kick off new profit explosions in the Deep Crypto Market?
It’s when I believe the SEC will approve the United States’ first Bitcoin ETF.
This is the holy grail for crypto fans.
It’s the last box that needs to be checked before all cryptos – not just Bitcoin – see MASSIVE mainstream adoption.
Gold achieved this milestone in 2004.
That’s when the SPDR Gold Shares ETF launched.
After decades of having to go through the hassle of buying and storing gold coins...
Or investing in mining companies that could go belly-up if mismanaged...
Investors finally had a cheap, easy and relatively safe way to buy gold.
And gold INSTANTLY went from a somewhat niche metal to a crucial piece of a diversified portfolio.
It rocketed from $619 to $2,168 an ounce in seven years. For something as old and stodgy as gold... that’s huge!

Big-name trading houses like JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Citadel Advisors added the gold ETF to their holdings.
And gold stocks saw ASTRONOMICAL returns.

The same pattern played out when the first S&P 500 ETF was established.

It happened again when the first silver ETF came out.

And again with the first palladium ETF.

This is the future I see on the horizon for the crypto market.
Now, there are currently eight Bitcoin ETF applications sitting in front of the SEC.
In my mind, the Valkyrie Bitcoin Fund has the best shot of getting approved.

The executive team behind this ETF has a long history of launching cutting-edge investment vehicles.
According to Nasdaq, it’s “worked on over 100 esoteric and novel deals that have passed regulatory scrutiny.”
And the SEC is due to announce its ruling on Valkyrie’s Bitcoin ETF on August 10.
I believe it’ll give this ETF the green light.
For one, crypto skeptic Dalia Blass just exited the SEC’s investment management division.
Blass has been blocking Bitcoin ETFs since 2018, so the fact that she’s out of the picture is a BIG development.
But the major story is the new SEC chairman, Gary Gensler.
Gensler’s a former economics professor who used to teach classes about cryptos at MIT.
He once said that crypto technology...
“Could be a boon for financial innovation.”
Mark my words...
Gensler will write his name in the history books by bringing crypto to the masses with a Bitcoin ETF.
The appetite for this type of investment product has never been fiercer.
According to Goldman Sachs, the firm is seeing...
“A huge amount of demand institutionally.”
And Bloomberg reported that it’s...
“More optimistic of an [ETF] approval than we’ve ever been” and called the level of demand “insane.”
That’s why I have no doubt in my mind that a Bitcoin ETF will be approved shortly.
So, by all means, buy Bitcoin. Like gold, it’s become a critical diversification tool.
But remember, for every small move in Bitcoin, the moves in the Deep Crypto Market could be much, much bigger.
If you want the chance to make money NOW, you should consider trading Deep Cryptos.
The historic release of the first Bitcoin ETF will be the rising tide that lifts all boats...
And push more and more money into the crypto market as a whole.
And crypto – perhaps more than any other asset – is impacted by money flows.
If people are loading up on a crypto, pouring money in, then the price goes up.
Simple, but true.
So if you can see where the money is flowing, you could ride it to substantial gains.
And the SEC ruling I anticipate on August 10 may result in an absolute TSUNAMI of cash flooding into cryptos.
I believe that as the smart money takes a closer look at the crypto market, the Deep Cryptos – the ones that are actually driving this technology forward – will attract the most attention... and, in turn, the most cash.
And my CRYPTECH software will be there to help me spot these cryptos as buying pressure sends their money flows into the Bull Zone.
Let me show you a few more exceptional historical examples I found while researching the power of this strategy.
In April 2020, a coin called Celsius would’ve triggered this powerful indicator, which involves a series of complex calculations.

Looking back, I found that Celsius had a positive money flow of 21%.
In short, Celsius had entered the Bull Zone.

Celsius went on to jump 537% in 90 days.
Bitcoin went up only 39% during that time period!

That means Celsius beat that mainstream crypto by more than 13-to-1.
Now, hold on, because it gets even better.
A couple of months after Celsius, Fantom would’ve set off my favorite indicator.
CRYPTECH processed the money flow calculations. Mind you, it does all this in a fraction of a second.

The result? A whopping 58% positive money flow.
Bam! Fantom was in the Bull Zone.

From one day to the next, we were seeing more buyers than sellers – and they were starting to drive the price higher. Money was in the air.
And wouldn’t you know it? Fantom blasted into space.
Any investors who were in Fantom at that time could’ve made 6X their money in less than three months.
That’s a 560% gain vs. Bitcoin’s 12%.

Now, ask yourself... would you rather make $5,600 on a $1,000 stake...
Or $120?
It's obvious.
There’s simply no competition. Deep Cryptos have beaten Bitcoin time and time again.
Just look at what happened to AAVE in April 2020.
The indicator churned AAVE’s market data.

And, looking back, it would’ve spit out a 231% positive money flow.
AAVE had jumped right into the Bull Zone.

This buy signal was screaming at the top of its lungs.
And it would’ve paid to listen.
In just over four months, AAVE gifted investors with a MONSTROUS 3,056% gain.
Guess how much Bitcoin went up during that time? A measly 57%.

AAVE beat Bitcoin 53-to-1!
Investors could’ve put just $500 in AAVE and walked away with about 15 grand.
Up the stake to $2,000, and it’s a $60,000 windfall.

This is why I believe scanning the Deep Crypto Market with my proprietary CRYPTECH software is the #1 way to help folks trade crypto.
As I said, CRYPTECH has trounced Bitcoin 2X... 6X... and even 19X over.
Of course, it goes without saying that this system can’t predict the future.
I can’t look at some tea leaves in a cup and tell you if any given crypto will go up or down.
But in a moment, I’ll show you how you can harness the power of CRYPTECH for your personal knowledge.
And here’s the best part...
According to my CRYPTECH software, three NEW Deep Cryptos are flashing IMMEDIATE BUY signals!
Break out a pen and pad.
I’m about to give you the details on all three of them.
The first is a play on the EXPLOSIVE NFT market.
You’ve probably seen the headlines...

NFTs (or nonfungible tokens) are the future of the collectibles market.
They’re basically certificates that prove you own a piece of digital art.
The top ones can rapidly appreciate to anywhere from $17 million to $69 million.
Now, most NFTs are housed on Ethereum’s blockchain network.
So you can buy Ethereum, but I personally think it’s way overvalued.
At the time of this presentation, one Ether – a unit of Ethereum – is about $2,000.
This Deep Crypto, on the other hand, is around just $1.
That makes it more than 99.95% cheaper than Ethereum.
And it just listed 4 MILLION pieces of Italian art on its blockchain.
What’s more, its creator is a straight-up GENIUS.
He won the Turing Award. That’s “the computer science equivalent of the Nobel Prize.”

Better still? Its money flow just pushed it into the Bull Zone.

Based on my analysis, I think it could go up as much as 7X over the year. That’s a long-term projection of 600%.
The next Deep Crypto I’m recommending is the PERFECT way to play Elon Musk’s fascination with the crypto market.
In May, Musk sent shock waves through the market when he tweeted that Tesla would suspend Bitcoin as a form of payment for vehicle purchases.
Bitcoin dipped in response to the tweet, and the mainstream media had a field day.
But a pivotal line in that message got lost in the noise. It came at the very end of his tweet.
Musk said...
“We are also looking at other cryptocurrencies that use less than 1% of Bitcoin’s energy [per] transaction.”
When I saw that, my jaw dropped to the floor.
These 13 words opened up the door for a class of cryptos I call “Clean Coins” to zoom higher.
And if Musk orders his minions to convert Tesla’s Bitcoin to more sustainable crypto...
I believe this Clean Coin would be his first choice.
This crypto consumes 2 MILLION times less energy than Bitcoin.

Of course, Bitcoin’s a notorious energy hog.
In fact, it uses more electricity per year than all of Argentina.
But that’s why the Clean Coin I’m recommending is so remarkable...
It not only goes through FAR less energy than Bitcoin...
But also mops the floor with its fellow Clean Coins!

My top Clean Coin uses 100X less energy than Cardano, the largest Clean Coin by market cap.
But it’s not just sustainability that sets this coin apart.
The momentum building behind it is incredible.
It’s caught the attention of no less a powerhouse than BlackRock, the world’s largest investment manager.
And it’s forging some strategic partnerships that could take it to the next level.
It’s working with everyone from Microsoft... and gaming giant Ubisoft... to South America’s largest investment bank.
Will Tesla become its next big partner?
I’ll tell you this much: An announcement like that would send this $3 coin to the moon.
And now is the best time to get in. Its money flow just plowed through the neutral line and into the Bull Zone.

I see this Clean Coin going up by 8X in a year. That’s a long-term projection of 700%.
But my third pick could take your gains even higher.
This Deep Crypto taps into one of the hottest applications of this emerging tech: smart contracts.
JPMorgan Chase, Amazon and Microsoft are investing heavily in smart contract research and development.

That’s because, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, smart contracts could boost the global GDP by $1.7 TRILLION over the next decade.
How is that possible?
Smart contracts are like regular contracts, with one key difference: Each smart contract comes complete with a self-executing code that carries out the terms of the agreement.
With smart contracts, you don’t need any third parties to verify or enforce the contract.
That means less money going to middlemen and more money going to the buyer, the seller and the economy.
And this coin has the best smart contract system in the industry.
And it’s not just me saying that! None other than The Wall Street Journal calls it “tamper-proof.”
Even better, its money flow has propelled this coin into the Bull Zone.

That’s why I believe this coin could go up by 11X in 12 months. That’s a long-term projection of 1,000%.
Bottom line...
I’m convinced that all three of these Deep Cryptos are primed to skyrocket after August 10.
And I don’t want you to miss out on a single one of them.
That’s why I’ve put together a new investment dossier with all the details you need to learn how to trade them right away.
It’s titled “You Can Beat Bitcoin! 3 Deep Cryptos Flashing IMMEDIATE BUY Signals.”

In this dossier, I give you a step-by-step breakdown of how to buy these coins.
They ALL have the potential to deliver triple-digit-or-higher gains.
The crypto market is getting hotter and hotter every day. According to CBS News...
“There are now as many as 100,000 people who have $1 million or more stashed in Bitcoin.”
I can send this dossier to you in the next few minutes. But first, you have to understand something.
These cryptos are really small. And we don’t want to move their prices artificially.
So I can share this dossier with only the first 200 folks who join me in a bold enterprise called...

I founded Alpha Money Flow back in 2017.
My goal was to create the ULTIMATE trading research service.
A service that would leave no stone unturned in the quest for market-beating returns.
As far as I’m concerned, all markets are fair game.
I don’t limit my investment scope to the crypto market.
I recommend penny stocks, options contracts and even regular old stocks.
This diverse approach is a key part of how we CRUSHED all the popular benchmarks.
Since our inaugural issue, Alpha Money Flow has generated a total return of 197%.

It’s beaten the S&P, the Nasdaq and the Dow.
We achieved this incredible feat by locking in top gains like...
- 100% in 10 days on 5G penny stock Infinera
- 105% in 11 days on fintech stock Broadridge
- 196% in 45 days on Internet of Things crypto IOTA
- 233% in 140 days on blockchain crypto EOS
- 385% in 54 days on real estate disrupter Zillow
- 402% in 35 days on biotech takeover target Celgene
- 630% in 84 days on reopening play Bed Bath & Beyond.
Now remember, these examples are some of my top performers.
And the crypto profits I’ve listed here are partial gains. We’re letting the rest of these positions ride.
And while I use my CRYPTECH software to track the big money moves that send prices rocketing higher...
I don’t let this technology dictate my every decision.
I use CRYPTECH as a research tool to zero in on the Deep Cryptos offering the greatest upside and narrow down the ones I believe have the biggest potential to soar.
Then I perform my own due diligence to identify my recommendation of the week.
It’s basically a complete investment education package.
That’s why I tell folks: If you can subscribe to only ONE financial publication, you should make it Alpha Money Flow.
But don’t take it from me.
Here’s what subscribers have to say about Alpha Money Flow...
“I’m a lifetime member of Alpha Money Flow. I’ve been on board since day one and have enjoyed the ride with you. I buy 90% of your recommendations on pure face value because I TRUST your research and methods. Keep up your mission, it’s a pure winner!!!” – Victor Grayson, Orange Beach, Alabama
“I put $2,500 into Celgene. I closed out the position early this morning with a 960% gain at $24,000 in 35 days. Unbelievable; thank you!!!!” – Dennis Teague, Charlotte, North Carolina
“I just bought one of your recommendations. It took off in ONE week! I recently subscribed to Alpha Money Flow, and this one pick (if I had sold and realized the gain) has paid for my subscription. Thank you, Andy!” – Randy Montalvo, St. Paul, Minnesota
“Because of you, my portfolio is doing well. I have a 75% win ratio on my positions. Since I started only following your service, almost everything I have is up. Looking forward to more great gains!” – Patrick Earnhart, Midland, Texas
“Thank you for showing this old woman how to trade cryptos. You clearly know what you’re doing. I’ve already made a profit!” – Jane Landon, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
“I wish I had found teachers like you in my 20s and 30s rather than [in] my 60s. Your content is relevant and aimed at ordinary folks like me. I find your writing clear and easy to follow. You’re truly bringing my level of investing upward.” – Samantha Depp, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Samantha really gets at the heart of my goal for Alpha Money Flow.
Unlike the finance PhDs in their ivory towers, I make my investment analysis accessible to folks of ALL skill levels.
I don’t care if you’re a total novice...
Or can trade with a blindfold on...
I will show you how you could score one triple-digit winner after another.
And with all the Deep Cryptos popping up on my CRYPTECH screen, I expect this to be our best year yet.
Here’s the lowdown...
As soon as you join me, I’ll email you my new dossier with your first three recommendations.
And to help you make those trades, I’ll send you my “Crypto Trading Quick-Start Guide.”

With this quick read, you’ll be able to hit the ground running and jump right into this raging bull market.
I’ll show you how to...
- Fund your account and get it up and running
- Earn crypto FOR FREE
- Potentially generate easy crypto income with one simple step.
You’ll be surprised to discover that the crypto trading process is fairly intuitive.
By that I mean: If you can use Netflix, you’ll have no problems here.
The next thing you’ll want to check out is my three-part Crypto Trading Fast-Track Program.

In these videos, I’ll reveal all the tips and tricks of the crypto game.
You’ll find out how my CRYPTECH software works...
Plus, I’ll show you how we zero in on the best crypto trades... get in at the best possible price... and limit any potential losses.
I’ll also expose the #1 mistake made by crypto novices and veterans alike.
And I’ll break down the three most powerful Bitcoin-price predictors in the world.
Forbes calls one of them...
“The most accurate tool that we have for predicting Bitcoin’s price.”
It’s INSANE how spot-on it’s been!
I want you to understand what we’re doing here...
And rest assured...
As a member of Alpha Money Flow, you’ll NEVER have to scour the 4,000-strong crypto market for potential winners.
I’m scanning for blockbuster cryptos and stocks around the clock.
In fact, you can expect to get a new pick about once a week on average.
That’s 52 recommendations a year.
As soon as I zero in on a potential pick, I cross-reference its findings against an array of quant indicators.
Make no mistake about it: I subject these recommendations to a TRIAL BY FIRE.
If they pass the trial, I’ll send you a detailed Buy Alert.

This Buy Alert will include...
- The name, price and symbol of the crypto or stock
- All the reasons it’s a “Buy” in plain, “no b.s.” English
- A chart showing the supply-demand picture
- Detailed instructions on how to make the trade.
I’ll also give you a high-level look at my view of the economy at that moment – and what it means for folks like you.
Planning to unplug for a bit? You can sign up for members-only text notifications.

If you don’t want to miss out on a single trade, I’d highly recommend signing up for this elective service.
Now, remember, our mission here is not to sit in these positions for years and years.
So whenever it’s time to take profits or exit a trade that went against us, I’ll shoot over a Sell Alert.

I’ll lay out my research and every step you need to take to jump out of the trade.
It’ll be like I’m looking over your shoulder, showing you how to trade cryptos for big profits every week.
Heck, I’ll even get in front of my webcam every month for a live video call.

On these calls, we’ll talk face-to-face about our open positions... highlight any upcoming financial catalysts... and answer any pressing questions.
Listen, outside of personal financial advice, you can ask me anything. I’m an open book.
And don’t worry if you can’t make every call. I store all of them on my secure, password-protected Alpha Money Flow website.

This is a treasure trove of proprietary financial research.
Inside, you’ll find my model portfolio, all of my training videos and research, and my past Buy and Sell Alerts.
You’ll definitely want to log in at your earliest convenience.
After all, I just added a **brand-new** feature you’ll want to check out. It’s my Crypto Monitoring List.

This is my personal list of the cryptos that I track closely, waiting for the PERFECT entry point.
I’ve been keeping this list for a while, but this is the first time I’m sharing it with readers.
This Crypto Monitoring List is JAM-PACKED with potential moonshots.
Truth be told, this market is loaded with once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to make a fortune.
That’s why I’m pounding the table...
If you don’t get involved in crypto now, you may NEVER have another chance to see these types of gains.
The New York Times reports...
“Cryptocurrency is becoming a very big business and a significant investment asset.”
All the big credit card issuers – Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover – are fast-tracking crypto to their 180 million customers.

We are at the tipping point of mass crypto adoption...
And no amount of short-term volatility will change that.
This crypto market is on the verge of a period of hypergrowth like none we’ve ever seen.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this goes down in history as the biggest investment boom of the century.
And it’s super simple and easy to get exposure to this wealth-creating moment.
All you have to do is start with the three Deep Cryptos in my new dossier.
I’ve analyzed every single measurable aspect of these coins...
And I’m virtually 100% certain they’ll beat Bitcoin over the next year – and beyond.
I’ve just put the finishing touches on this dossier. It’s locked and loaded.
I’ll send it to you as soon as you come on board.
Now keep in mind...
I have only 200 spots in Alpha Money Flow available today.
These spots will fill up quickly.
So if you’re ready to get started, I urge you to get a move on.
The button below will take you to a page that breaks down this offer in more detail.
You owe it to yourself to take a look.
I’ve pulled a lot of strings to make this service as affordable as possible.
And if you join today, you’ll be able to secure a SERIOUS discount.
But I have to warn you: This discount will expire soon, and this service will revert to its retail price.
This is a situation where sitting on the sidelines could really make you miss out.
But I want to make this decision a no-brainer for you.
So I’m going to go out on a limb and make the biggest guarantee of my career.

Over the next 12 months...
I’ll give you one chance to double your money on average every single month.
That’s per my model portfolio.
If I fall short in any way, just call my team and we’ll give you a full refund in the form of a credit.
You can use this credit toward an additional year of any of my other trading research services.
It’s a bold guarantee, no doubt.
But, as I’ve shown you, the biggest gains still lie ahead.
The way I see it, you have three choices now.
- Do nothing – and let the biggest bull market of our lifetimes pass you by.
- Try to go it alone and run CRYPTECH’s complex calculations on your own.
- Click the “Join Now” button... fill out the form... and let me and my team do all the crypto research – so you can focus on your moneymaking potential!
ANYBODY can see the opportunity here.
Crypto isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’ll only become more widespread in the years to come.
So go ahead and click that “Join Now” button.
It’ll take you to a secure order form that explains Alpha Money Flow in full.
But don’t delay. Only 200 people can join today.
You’ll automatically receive your dossier as soon as you sign up.
These three Deep Cryptos could be in your account in the next 15 minutes.
And you could see gains as early as tomorrow.
This is your big chance to supercharge your financial future.
It’s up to you now. The ball is in your court.
Let’s make history.

Andy Snyder
Founder, Manward Press
June 2021